Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Being a Business Owner Never Looked So Good

In the 1960s and 1970s, many young high school and college graduates thought that the smart thing to do for their future was to spend their career working for a large corporation, and then retire with a pension plan, health insurance benefits, and financial security. Today, many of those same people are now worried about their future.

We know many individuals who have lost over 50% of their pension plans because the corporations they retired from recently filed bankruptcy. To make matters worse, many of those individuals who previously had excellent health care coverage for little or no cost are now being forced to pay several hundred dollars per month for the same benefits. These days, working for a large corporation does not guarantee the financial security many people once believed it would.

Owning your own business is more attractive today than ever, especially if you are in your 20s or 30s. Yes, owning a business can be complicated and can be a lot of work, but the benefits of controlling your own destiny and not being at another company’s mercy for the health of your financial future can make it worth it.

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