Monday, October 19, 2009

Learn From Your Mistakes

If we want business success, we have to look clearly at our mistakes--and stop repeating them. We need to work with our team, not against them, to do this. Too often business owners tell me, “It was just a small mistake.” But, there are no small mistakes. Why?
• A small mistake can have big consequences.
• Repeating small mistakes can lose customers, kill a business or cost an employee his job.
In fact, every mistake has at least six different sizes:
1. The size of the mistake itself, which is usually small.
2. The size of the consequences if the mistake is not found and corrected, which can be huge.
3. The size of the time and cost it will take to fix the mistake.
4. The size of the causes of the mistake.
5. The size of the effort to prevent the mistake from happening again.
6. The size of the benefits from ensuring the mistake doesn’t happen again.