Thursday, September 24, 2009

Who is your Target Audience?

Taking the time to define your target audience just might save you money.
In today's economy you want to make every marketing dollar count. Without a clearly defined target audience, your marketing is like throwing darts blindfolded. Every once in a while you'll get lucky.

Three specific benefits
Defining the characteristics of your target audience guides you in the following three ways:
• You have a better idea where to advertise. As you define your target audience, you are also able to better define what the members of that audience may read, what websites they might visit, and what resources they might use. The more targeted the resource, the more targeted your marketing dollars.
• You have a better idea how to advertise. If you take the time to consider the life experiences, the values, the motivators, and the needs of your prospects, you are more likely to be able to "speak their language." Just compare the advertising during a Saturday morning stock show to the advertising during a tween sitcom.
• You are better able to tailor your products and services. Or, said in reverse, it prevents you from wasting time and money on the creation of products or services that don't fit your target audience.
Advertise where your target audience is; speak to the specific needs and values of your prospects; and provide products and services that fit those needs. The result? You have a better chance of hitting the mark and increasing your business. It all starts with defining your target.