Friday, March 13, 2009

Purchase A Business with Your 401K

Why? Because there are NO penalties, that’s right. This 401k Rollover program lets you use your 401k and other retirement funds to invest in a business – TAX AND PENALTY FREE. This is a safe, proven plan based on long standing provisions of the Internal Revenue Service (IRC § 6501). By using pre-tax retirement dollars to fund your business, you gain equity in your business and improve cash flow from day one. Use the funds to receive a salary during startup, while accelerating profitability by eliminating or reducing interest or debt. Application, creation, and funding is fast; typically (2-3 weeks or less). You can even set aside tax deductible retirement savings up to $200,000/yr. The benefits of using your 401k:-Minimize debt-Enhance cash flow-Stimulate business growth-Build equity-Take full advantage of tax benefits